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Donegal VEC backs SF Irish language call 21.03.07

Sinn Fein in Donegal has welcomed cross party and community support at Donegal VEC for a major overhaul in the teaching of Irish throughout the education system.
A number of Irish language groups including Conradh na Gaeilge launched a landmark policy document last month proposing an increase in the influence of Gaeltacht communities and the use of Irish in training new teachers.
Cllr. Pearse Doherty successfully tendered a motion to Tuesday’s meeting of Donegal VEC garnering both cross party and community support for the demands of the Irish language lobby.
“The decision of Donegal VEC to back Sinn Féin’s motion supporting the Irish language lobby on this important issue is very welcome.
“As well as broadly backing the policy proposals of the Irish language lobby, Donegal VEC also welcomed last week’s Government announcement that additional points will now be given for oral Irish in the Junior and Leaving Certificate exams.”
The Donegal south west election candidate said Donegal VEC recognised the need for an overhaul of how Irish is taught.
“Donegal VEC agreed to call for full Government consideration of this matter. Such positive support at Donegal VEC for Sinn Féin’s sensible motion sends an important signal to Dublin that the people of Donegal believe the future of the Irish language is worth fighting for,” said Cllr. Doherty.
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