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The burning question… 12.03.08

I’ve always been a fan of eating. Okay, maybe not as big a fan as some people I know, but big enough.
For instance I’ve found over the years that I like to consume at least enough food to get through the day, which depending on the day could be quite a little or indeed quite a lot.
I was thinking about this the other day when I was making lunch at home, because even though I quite like eating, I’m not really a huge fan of cooking.
And no, it’s not like I’m one of those guys who just says he can’t cook and as a result just doesn’t bother. For instance I’d know I’d be in bother if my kids’ favourite drink was alka seltzer! (But it’s not by the way!)
Compare that to a pal of mine who I’m pretty certain either gets his wife to cook everything for him or just buys takeaway. I’ve come to this conclusion because he once told me before
he’d got married that he’d bought a cook-book but could not make anything that was in it.
“Why,” I asked him at the time, “is there too much fancy cooking in it?” “Yep,” he answered, “every recipe starts with ‘take a clean dish and…”
Anyway I’m not like that. I’m more like one of those ones who thinks he might be able to cook…and really can’t. Well can’t do it well anyway.
You see I’ve always been troubled by how easy those guys on television make things look. These celebrity chefs who will say they’re going to cook something quick that anybody could rustle up in ten minutes when they come in from work in the evening.
In a half hour show these boys can put together two and three courses using stuff they expect everyone to have in their kitchen all the time, but can we believe them?
I mean we’ve all seen the out-takes shows from a whole range of programmes, so are we to really believe that these boys never made a complete hamse of something and then had to bin it?
Are we really to believe that none of the cottage pies they have made have ever been condemned?
I was wondering that because occasionally I have burned stuff, which I have to say is really disappointing, because the stuff I burned was going to taste great.
Now I don’t do it all the time, and my success rate has risen dramatically over the years, but every now and then I hear that smoke alarm beep and I just know that I’ve done it again.
It can be pretty annoying since this usually happens when you are very hungry and are waiting on this food with a certain sense of anticipation. Obviously you are not waiting on it so much that you can’t get distracted at any stage by something like the telephone or the television however.
Indeed I suspect that television has played a huge role in the spread of obesity in recent years. I mean with many people now enjoying the benefit of satellite tv they have something like 100 channels to choose from so when are they going to get the time to exercise?
That said, perhaps I’m blaming the television or the phone when it really is my fault for not paying attention enough to what I am doing.
Come to think of it, that is why all those years ago I was refused the job in the orange juice factory just up the road from me.
They said I wasn’t able to concentrate…
the weekly
column of
Liam Porter.
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