Invasion of the pyjama people 02.04.09
Zombie-like women (they’re mostly women as far as I am
aware) wandering around all day in their pyjamas and not
in the slightest bit worried that they might offend
somebody when they pop into the local shop for a litre
of milk.
But apparently they do offend, well at least if the
reaction to a phone in on the Shaun Doherty show last
week is anything to go by.
In fact some people are downright seething at the
thought that anybody would have the nerve to wander
around in night attire all day.
For the life of me I can’t understand why it would
bother anybody, unless perhaps, they belong to the
fashion police I’ve heard about.
Nope, it’s not a fashion thing, but there are good
reasons why people shouldn’t do this…apparently. |
Thing is I’m yet to be
convinced of any of them and I don’t even wander around
in my pjs all day.
It’s not to say that I’ve never. I mean there was the
time when I was thirteen and I had my appendix out and I
was in hospital for a few days. But as a rule, or to be
honest as even an exception, I don’t.
That said it doesn’t bother me in the slightest that
other people might choose to do so. I mean seriously
folks, there are people out there who wear shoes or
boots with tracksuits, who wear brown shoes with a black
suit, who wear black tights with white shoes – and they
can get away with it.
If it’s not a fashion thing we’re talking about then
surely as long as they are covered up, what odds is it
what people are actually wearing.
But, but, but…it’s not hygienic I heard people say when
they called the radio. Their reasoning, as far as I
could make out - and I have to admit that the show was
just on in the background in the office – was that if
you wear your pjs in bed you could be carrying around on
the said pjs all day, all sorts of bacteria and germs
from your bed and spreading them.
This is as opposed to say, wearing clothes all day,
sitting on the seats of busses or trains or shopping
centres or park benches where hundreds, maybe thousands
of other bums have been from, well who knows where. Or
as opposed to say, calling into the shop on the way back
from the farm or the mart or the building site or the
The whole thing was kicked off on the radio with a call
from a lady who said that she had been refused service
in a shop because, well, she was wearing her pjs.
Now again I must admit I didn’t hear the whole story,
but I am assuming that the shop in question was not one
selling duvets or pillows or beds for that matter and
either the shop owner does not like this fashion trend
or he/she has been convinced by the whole hygiene thing.
But the fashion thing doesn’t stand up to scrutiny –
remember a few years ago those jeans with the awful huge
big turn-ups at the bottom? People wearing them got
served in shops and as for the hygiene thing, well God
only knows what kind of germs and bacteria might have
fallen down into those turn-ups.
But I’m fine with the fact that there are many people
who don’t think it a good thing for others to wear their
pyjamas during the day, especially out in public, but
I’m equally fine with the fact that some people choose
to do so. |
Radio reaction aside, I
decided to do some research of my own and after
exhaustive interviews this is what I found.
One friend, who shall remain nameless, told me that Hugh
Heffner walks around in his pjs all day and as a result
he failed to see the downside.
Another however thought it downright ludicrous. “Come
off it now, you look like a freak if you go out in your
pyjamas in the daytime.”
Then he went and told me that he sometimes sleeps in his
jeans and tee shirt… |
the weekly
column of
Liam Porter. |