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Great block-out of 2009… 18.09.09

I DON'T know if I’ve ever had writers block before. That’s possibly because I guess I’m not really a writer as such. Still I was wondering if the absence of ideas for a column this week fell in the category of writer’s block.
Or perhaps it’s due to a lack of caffeine. Having exhausted the last dregs of coffee from the jar on a hectic Monday last week, it was only when I came back to the office that I realised my dilemma.
And the dilemma was quite simply - did I leave the office and take a walk to the shop and buy coffee, or did I try to see it through the day with tea instead?
Two mugs of tea later and I’m not sure if I made the right decision. And that’s especially since it’s not even raining and a walk to the shops might have been just exactly what I needed to get my head into gear.
Instead I took the option of trying to see it through the day with just tea and about four paragraphs into this column I’ve still not managed to come up with any semblance of a theme to write about.
That’s a bad thing, because I do have to manage to scrape out at least another dozen or more paragraphs before I can fill the space allocated to me on a page every week.
I might need to see if there is a way that I can get that space reduced for weeks like this.
Years ago when I started this column I thought it would be easy to just keep writing nonsense about things that happened during the course of my normal week.
And, at the start it was easy enough, so I more or less just kept on going from there. Until this week, which is why the whole writer’s block thingy came into play.
And the coffee thing.
In an effort to try and jog my memory of the many topics I had covered in my column I looked back on some of the old pieces and I was amazed at how many references I have made to coffee.
In fact I’d safely say that coffee has featured in at least a quarter of all the columns I’ve written, which folks, is quite a lot. But then I wondered, what do I know about this little bean that gives such comfort to people like me?
And the answer was - well, not a lot really. I mean I know that yer man out of the New Avengers was able to conjure up some beans in his hand in some kind of magic trick.
And yes I knew a few other bits and pieces that I saw in adverts - but really useful information…well I knew nothing.
That meant of course a trip to the Google to see what I could find out. Not surprisingly - since it was coffee - the google trip turned out to be very stimulating indeed.
For instance I wasn’t all that surprised to discover that coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide.
But that wasn’t the kind of stuff, I wanted to read. Not that or the history or the number of types of coffee beans you could get or how they could be roasted.
I didn’t even want to read about cappuchinos or espressos - I wanted to scroll down and see if there was any truth to the rumours about the health side-effects of coffee.
You see many people have told me before that coffee is bad for your health - or should that be - bad for my health.
Anyway, apparently it’s not good, or so I was told, but when I eventually set about carrying out the research, I found that this was not actually true.
Instead I discovered that the findings into research into whether coffee consumption is good or bad for health, are at best, contradictory. What I did find interesting though was the suggestion that some studies say drinking coffee may have a mixed effect on short term memory.
That study showed that apparently coffee helped improve short-term memory when the information to be recalled is related to the current train of thought, but makes it more difficult to recall unrelated information.
I forget what any of this has to do with writer’s block, but hey at least I think I’ll remember to buy more coffee for the office tomorrow.
the weekly
column of
Liam Porter.
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