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Grant scheme for new businesses in Donegal 05.02.20

A NEW grant-based incentive scheme has been launched by Donegal County Council. The Commercial Rates Incentive Scheme aims to regenerate and revitalise town and village centres in Donegal by increasing the number of businesses trading and reducing the number of vacant commercial premises.
The scheme is designed to encourage new businesses to locate in commercial properties in town and village centres and should be of interest to entrepreneurs, landlords, property owners and anyone considering setting up in business.
Grants are available, subject to certain conditions, to new businesses that set up in commercial properties that have been vacant for over two years. The grant is designed to offset the commercial rates liability for new businesses in their first three years of trading; with a 75% reduction in Year 1, 50% reduction in Year 2, and 25% reduction in Year 3.
It is hoped that the scheme will improve the commercial and retail mix in town centres and will benefit existing businesses by increasing footfall. The scheme is targeted at businesses such as shops/retail units, offices, crèches and childcare facilities, health/medical clinics and businesses operating in the wellbeing and personal care areas.
Further information and applications forms are available from or or by contacting the Council directly on 074 91 53900.
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