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Donegal Council Covid-19 virus update 12.03.20

DONEGAL County Council continues to keep up to date on the state of the Covid-19 situation as it affects the County. It is against this background and taking into consideration the needs of employees, the community and businesses that the Council has prepared its Business Continuity Plan. That plan is being kept under review and will be amended as necessary as the Covid-19 situation evolves.
It has considered, in a broad way, how certain services could be curtailed in the event of an escalation of a pandemic while at the same time maintaining the vital essential services that must be provided to citizens. Any decision to activate a curtailment of service would be taken in a considered way and make use of the best advice that is available nationally.

Naturally at this time, the Council and the public are both concerned and at a state of heightened awareness due to the unknown level of virus outbreak over the coming weeks. The Council would encourage everyone to take fundamental precautions such as:
• Regular and longer than usual hand washing;
• Avoid contacting face with hands;
• Avoid hand shaking;
• Sneeze into your elbow;
• Limit unnecessary gatherings;
• Use phone, computer systems or the like to contact customers as much as possible;
• Self declare and self isolate if you have the symptoms, or have been to an affected country or region or have come into contact with someone who has the virus;
• Think about the particular needs of older / vulnerable / isolated people and endeavour to provide help and assistance where required.

The Council recognises that our business community could be facing a challenging period ahead. Our economy relies on a significant boost at this time of year and throughout the summer from visitors and tourism.
Donegal County Council has a history of working with its commercial businesses in a way that helps them overcome periods of difficulty and it will do so again as the need arises. In that regard, the Council understands that it is important for it to maintain it’s spend in the community.
The Council will be keeping up to date on the emerging situation with Covid-19 and will make every effort to be as helpful as possible throughout this challenging period.
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