Launch of 'Operation Silver
AN Garda Síochána, the
PSNI and the Loughs Agency all attended the launch
of ‘Operation Silver Fin’ this week.
This operation focuses on encouraging the public to
report suspected fish poaching to the appropriate
agency, enforcing regulations and increasing
awareness of the legislation surrounding fishing and
the importance of protecting fish stocks. |
Pictured from left: PSNI Insp. Marty Mullan, Lionel
Knobbs (area fisheries inspector, Loughs Agency),
PSNI Sgt. James McLaughlin, John McCartney (Director
of Conservation and Protection, Loughs Agency) and
An Garda Síochána Supt. Martin Walker. |
Superintendent Martin
Walker, An Garda Síochána, said, "I fully endorse
the collaborative efforts of all the enforcement
agencies associated with this wonderful initiative
to robustly challenge the illegal activities
associated with all forms of fish poaching. The
development of cordial working relations and
partnership is fundamental to the success of this
and similar initiatives which we in An Garda
Síochána have developed with other stakeholders e.g.
Inland Fisheries Ireland ( Sea Trout & Salmon ),
NPWS ( Illegal Catching of Cray Fish ) and focal
coarse angling fishing clubs. Continued enforcement
action is essential in addressing this major
wildlife crime''.
An Garda Síochána said they were committed to tackling wildlife
crime including fish poaching in conjunction with
their partners. 'The significance of this kind of crime
cannot be over stated. At the most serious level it
can have a direct impact on the economic,
environmental and cultural lives of communities and
can also negatively affect the conservation status
of some native species'. |