Garda publish road safety review
AN Garda Síochána and
The Road Safety Authority (RSA) have published a
provisional review of progress in road safety up to
July 28, 2019. The review shows that from 1st
January to 28th July 2019, 89 people died on Irish
roads in 80 collisions. This represents 3% more
collisions and 7% more deaths compared to
provisional Garda data for the same period in 2018.
The review shows that:
• Road deaths have increased by 6 when compared to
figures for the same period last year
• Up to 28 July 2019, 49 drivers, 10
passengers, 15 pedestrians, 9 motorcyclists and 6
pedal cyclists have been killed on Irish roads
• January and February were the worst months for
road fatalities with 16 deaths in each month
• Seventy fatalities (79%) occurred on rural roads
with a speed limit of 80km/h or higher |
As of Thursday August 1 2019, 89 people have been
killed on Ireland’s roads, 6 more than the same
period in 2018. |
Assistant Commissioner
David Sheahan, Garda National Roads Policing Bureau,
An Garda Síochána, said: "The Garda enforcement
strategy in 2019 has clearly focused on the key
Lifesaver Offences and to that end speeding
intercept detections are up 48%, non-wearing of
seatbelts up 27%, driver distraction offences
(mobile phones) up 11% and Driving Under the
Influence of an Intoxicant up 8%. We are urging
motorists to slow down, be aware of speed limits, to
drive at a speed appropriate to the road conditions
and never ever drive while under the influence of an
intoxicant. The ability of motorists to control
their vehicle and to anticipate and avoid the
unexpected is reduced when driving at higher speeds
and driving while under the influence of an
intoxicant. The members of the Roads Policing Unit
will continue over the second half of 2019 to target
non-compliant drivers, particularly key Lifesaver
Offences, in order to make the roads safer for all.”
Ms. Liz O’Donnell, Chairperson Road Safety
Authority, said: "Looking to the rest of the year it
is vital that we don’t lose focus on the need for
greater enforcement to tackle the main killer
behaviours on the road. Key to this is the
appropriate resourcing and investment in the roads
policing unit. The roll out of the mobility project
to front line Gardaí needs to be accelerated in
order to respond to the increase in deaths in 2019.
This mobile phone technology will revolutionise road
safety enforcement as it will give Gardaí at the
roadside access to critical information such as
driver disqualifications, insurance and NCT
compliance. We see it as the most important
development in enforcement since the introduction of
the roadside breathalyser test. I would call on the
Commissioner to ensure that the roll out is
accelerated.” |