Traditional Shopfronts & Signage
THE County Donegal
Heritage Office in association with Letterkenny
'Tidy Towns' Committee & The Heritage Council
present a 'Traditional Shopfronts & Vernacular
Signage' seminar in Letterkenny on Saturday,
November 10.
The aims of the free seminar are to raise awareness
and appreciation of traditional shopfronts and
vernacular signage in towns and villages in County
Donegal and to provide information and advice in
order to encourage their preservation, conservation
and enhancement.
“Traditional shopfronts have a major impact on the
overall character, quality and attractiveness of a
place” said Joseph Gallagher, County Donegal
Heritage Officer.
“At the seminar, the traditional shopfronts of
County Donegal will be explored in terms of their
character, context, scale and proportion, use of
appropriate materials, composition and detailing.
The seminar will draw upon best practice and
encourage appropriate, sensitive and informed
interventions in relation to our traditional
shopfronts, vernacular signage and historical
streetscapes. New shopfronts can also learn from
existing traditional shopfront character. The
changing nature of streetscapes has witnessed a
decline in traditional shopfronts and vernacular
signage due to issues such as a lack of
appreciation, increased vacancy and dereliction, and
inappropriate over-development of the ground floors
of historic buildings. The nature, scale and
placement of modern signage and advertising can be
visually intrusive and can detract from the built
heritage of our streetscapes,” added Joseph. |
John Barr’s drapery shop on Main
Street, Buncrana exhibits many of the classic
architectural features of a traditional shopfront. |
The seminar is free and
will take place in the Events Centre, Central
Library, Main Street, Letterkenny on Saturday,
November 10. Booking is required and places are
limited. Participants will receive an information
pack, a light lunch and refreshments.
To book your free place at the ‘Traditional
Shopfronts & Vernacular Signage’ seminar, telephone
074 912 4613 or e-mail
museum@donegalcoco.ie . Full details of the
seminar are available on the County Donegal Heritage
Office website at:
www.donegalcoco.ie . |