Slight fall in average Donegal
house price
THE average house price
in Donegal is now €137,000, 2% lower that a year ago
and nearly 50% below peak levels during the boom.
The average house price in Donegal in January 2017
was €140,000 by comparison.
The latest figures are contained in the Daft.ie
house price survey which shows that house prices
nationally rose by an average of €20,000 last year.
It shows that the number of properties available to
buy on the market nationwide continues to fall.
There were just over 21,000 properties on the market
on December 1, 2017. This is 2.6% lower than the
same date a year ago. The total number of properties
available has now fallen year-on-year for 100
months, having been above 62,000 in late 2009. |
Report author Ronan
Lyons said: “The main feature of the property market
in 2017 was just how different the second half was
from the first. The first half of the year saw
prices jump by 9% in six months, as the relaxation
of Central Bank rules for first-time buyers was
factored into prices. But the second half of the
year saw almost no change in prices, as those very
same rules linking mortgages to the real economy
placed a break on prices.
“The overall picture of the market remains one of
strong demand but very tight supply, in particular
of new homes. |
Ronan Lyons. |
"As we enter 2018,
increasing supply – especially of apartments in
Ireland’s major cities – must become the key success
metric for policymakers when it comes to the housing
Martin Clancy from Daft.ie said “Interest and demand
in the property market continues to grow. We are now
seeing over 1,000 property searches taking place
every minute on Daft.ie.” |