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Be asthma aware this September 06.09.18

THE weather is changing, colds and flus are on the rise - add a new school or routine into the mix and it’s easy to see why hospital admissions for asthma increase so much at this time of year. September is one of the toughest times of the year for people with asthma, especially children.
Doctors see a spike in hospital visits and admissions in children, as a result of the 'September Asthma Peak'.
Speaking about the importance of looking after your child’s asthma at this time of year, Sarah O’Connor, Asthma Society CEO, said: “September is a dangerous time for children with asthma. Doctors see a huge increase in asthma attacks and hospital admissions for asthma, especially in children just back to school. An asthma attack is such a frightening experience, especially for young kids and a huge worry for parents in Donegal.
On average, children with asthma miss 12 days of school each year because of the condition but there are many practical things parents can do to keep their child out of hospital.
We’re encouraging parents to follow our Back to School checklist to keep their little ones out of hospital.”
Check out the Back to School Asthma Checklist .
Dr. Marcus Butler, respiratory consultant and head of the Asthma Society’s Medical Advisory Group, expanding on the causes of the increase saying: “Every year there is an increase in the number of children in Donegal being admitted to hospital for asthma after they go back to school. This is known as the September Asthma Peak – it’s related to the increased exposure to viral infection that happens at this time of year. Viral infections like colds and flu are related to 85% of asthma exacerbations in school-aged children.”
Dr. Muhammed Tariq, consultant paediatrician, also offered some advice for getting prepared for the school year:
  • Visit your healthcare professional before school starts to answer any questions you have about your child’s asthma and to check their inhaler technique.
  • Get a new Ventolin inhaler and spacer before school starts, if needed.
  • Make sure your child’s teacher knows about their asthma and speak to them about your child’s needs.
  • Put together an ‘asthma pack’ for your child, labelled with their name. This should include a Ventolin inhaler and spacer. Check with your child’s teacher that they’re comfortable giving your child their inhaler.
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