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375 apply for only 5 jobs at Irish Film Classification Office 13.09.17

AS dream jobs go, getting paid to watch movies must be like landing an Oscar.
Five people have secured positions as assistant classifiers at the Irish Film Classification Office (IFCO) certifying movies for the cinema-going public around the country. over an average three-day week.
The coveted positions attract a before-tax rate of pay of just over €167 a day or slightly over €500 for the contracted average of three days a week.
The successful candidates have been hired on fixed three-year contracts to watch hundreds of movies, DVDs and games and rate them on themes such as violence levels, sexual content and strong language.
The new appointees, three men and two women, were chosen for the roles following IFCO's first ever public recruitment campaign for film classifiers. IFCO's director of film classification Ger Connolly revealed that the campaign “elicited a very large response”, attracting 375 candidates for the five available posts.
Mr Connolly also described the positions as "part-time" carrying a daily rate of pay of €167.44 "subject to PAYE and PRSI".
"The position requires detailed knowledge of IFCO guidelines, the law applicable to the viewed material and an ability to effectively communicate decision rationale," he said.
Candidates were also required to demonstrate "clear understanding of classification issues" while strong communication, media literacy and IT skills were also desirable. The job advert, issued late last year, stressed that the new classifiers would not be civil servants nor would they have pension entitlement.
IFCO is a state agency of the Department of Justice and Equality with, among other functions, “a duty to protect children and young people from harm”.
According to its annual report, the office certified 420 feature films, 3,830 DVDs and 26 games last year, earning some €1.6m for state coffers. The agency received a total of 14 complaints from the public in 2016, the majority of which referred to violence in the 12A-rated film 'Jason Bourne'. Other complaints queried the age-appropriateness of certificates granted to 'Daddy's Home' (12A), 'Deadpool' (16) and 'Batman v Superman' (12A).
Meanwhile, Ireland’s new assistant classifiers will be the first to enjoy the organisation's plush new 15-seater in-house cinema at IFCO's headquarters in Smithfield, Dublin.
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