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Ireland's most common birthday revealed 15.02.17

WE all like to feel special on our birthday but if you were born on October 1 you have to share your day with most people in Ireland.
Statistics reveal that people born on October 1, under the Zodiac sign Libra, have the most common birthday in the country.
And it won't take a huge leap to work out what is the least common birthday here. The fewest Irish people were born on February 29 - a Leap Year that only comes around one in every four for Pisceans.
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has counted the candles and has revealed the most and least common birthdays from 1980 to 2014.
The figures, spanning 34 years, show that the top 10 most common birthdays occur in October and September.
This may point to the seasonally-adjusted romancing that occurs around Christmas and New Year - nine months earlier.
Generally, the least common birthdays are around Christmas which could point to family-planning couples not wishing to add a baby to Santa's delivery list.
The figures show that between 1980 and 2014, there were an average of 191 births here annually on October 1. This compares to an average of 45 births on February 29.
The joint second most common birthdays were September 23 and September 29, with an average of 188 births.
After February 29, the least common birthday was St Stephen's Day on December 26, with an annual average of 112 births. This was closely followed by Christmas Day with an average of 113 births.
The CSO figures also outline the months with the highest annual average of births including July (5,380); May (5,332) and September (5,291).
Meanwhile, if you were born on Ireland's commonest birthday, October 1, you share your special day with the likes of British Prime Minister Theresa May and Oscar-winning actress Brie Larson. Famous leaplings, meanwhile, include 18th century Italian composer Rossini and 'Pumped Up Kicks' singer Mark Foster.
And some 5,650 Irish people who were born from 1980 to 2014, celebrated their birthday on Tuesday (St Valentine's Day) - the 252nd most common birthday in Ireland.
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