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Pledge for no Donegal road deaths 16.09.16

DONEGAL motorists are being asked to be a "better, safer driver" on European Day Without a Road Death next week.
The continent-wide initiative called 'Project Edward' is supported in Ireland by Transport Minister Shane Ross; the gardaí, the Road Safety Authority (RSA) and local authorities among other agencies.
The initiative has been organised by the Traffic Police network in Europe (TISPOL) and its aim is for no-one to die on the roads of Europe on Wednesday, September 21, 2016.
To date this year, 131 people have been killed on Irish roads - an increase of 18 when compared to the same period last year. Four people have died on our roads over the last seven days.
TISPOL president Chief Superintendent Aidan Reid said:
"TISPOL believes that strong leadership from governments can make a massive difference in reducing the number of people killed and seriously injured on our roads.
"However, we can only do this if we have the support of individual road-users. So think about how you can reduce risk by always wearing a seatbelt, keeping to speeds that are both legal and appropriate for the conditions, not driving after drinking alcohol or taking drugs, and not using a mobile phone at the wheel." To support 'Project Edward', road-users are asked to make an online pledge to be a better, safer driver on . Some 96,000 pledges have been made so far across Europe.
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