Have your say on estate speed
DONEGAL County Council
is asking the public to get involved in reviewing
speed limits in their housing estates.
It follows a decision by the Department of
Transport, Tourism and Sport which recently
published a circular in relation to the control of
vehicle speeds at these locations. Part of this
relates to councils’ considering the application of
30 km/h speed limits to appropriate estates within
the county. |
Donegal County Council
is carrying out a review of speed limits within
housing estates and the council’s Roads Section, as
part of a wider review of speed limits on all public
roads within the county, is currently compiling a
schedule of roads where concern has been raised
regarding the existing speed limits.
The council wishes to invite submissions in relation
to any housing estates where members of the public
have concerns regarding the current speed of
vehicles. |
It is intended that the
locations identified will be assessed in accordance
with new revised Guidelines for the Application of
Special Speed Limits, which are expected to be
issued by the Department of Transport, Tourism and
Sport this month.
The review of speed limits within the county is an
ongoing process but all submissions to be included
within the current review should be submitted by
Thursday, April 2.
Submissions can be sent to: Speed Limit Survey, Road
Design Office, Donegal County Council, County House,
Lifford, Co. Donegal or by e-mail to:
speedlimitreview@donegalcoco.ie . |