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IDA creates 1,289 jobs in Donegal - McHugh 14.01.15

SOME 758 high-skilled jobs were created in Donegal from 2011 to 2014 as a result of foreign direct investment by IDA client companies, Minister Joe McHugh said today. He said a further 531 indirect positions in the local economy were also created, bringing to 1,289 the total number of new jobs brought by the IDA to the county in the period.
“Donegal has a lot to offer investors and business owners. We have the skilled workforce and local services are constantly improving to meet the needs of those doing business here.
"The news that the IDA has brought 1,289 jobs to the area is very encouraging, especially considering the fact that the majority of foreign direct investment has traditionally been concentrated in the main population centres of Dublin and Cork," said the Fine Gael deputy.
He said 37% of IDA investments in 2014 were outside Dublin and Cork - up from 30% the previous year.
“This year the Action Plan for Jobs will launch the Regional Development Strategy; a pilot programme aiming to capitalise on the strengths of each region with the aim of increasing investment and job creation in all parts of the country. I am confident that this strategy will bring further jobs growth to Donegal in the coming year." He said the latest Live Register figures show that the unemployment rate nationally had dropped to 10.7% from a high of 15.1% in 2012 while in Donegal the unemployment rate had fallen by 14.8%.
"Thanks to the sacrifices people have made it is now possible for the Government to cut taxes. Every household with somebody in full-time work will have more money in their pockets this month and we’re committed to reducing personal taxation further this year," he added.
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