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Derry Airport contributes £4.5m to economy 09.01.14

CITY of Derry Airport generated more than £14m in 2012 with almost half of that directly benefiting the city, new figures show. The statistics, delivered to stakeholders this week, show that the regional airport makes a net contribution to local economy, after running costs, of more than £4.5m each year.
Derry city councillors were advised of the "very challenging conditions" in the aviation marketplace highlighting issues around Air Passenger Duty (APD), the economic downturn and current risk aversion by airline decision makers.
They were told that City of Culture was "a major success for the city and the region in 2013".
While the majority of events were targeted at audiences from the city, Northern Ireland and the Republic, the airport saw some direct benefits especially during the largest events such as the Fleadh.
City of Derry Airport.
Derry City Council chief executive Sharon O’Connor said the annual reduction of the City of Derry Airport’s subvention by £1m was significant in helping to put the airport in a positive position for the future.
“The airport is a hugely important regional asset which greatly helped us during our year as City of Culture 2013 to raise the profile of our city and attract new visitors to the region to attend large scale events such as the All Ireland Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann and the BBC Radio One Big Weekend. The city has now firmly placed itself on the map as a cultural destination and we are confident this will have long-term benefits for the city as a whole, including the airport.”
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