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Pat and the giant cabbage 06.02.08

Moville man's vegetable tops two-stone mark

by Simon McGeady, Inishowen Independent

HOW does your garden grow? Well if your name is Patrick Harkin and you live in St. Finian’s Park, Moville, the answer is, 'very well indeed'. After the pensioner bought a cabbage plant from his own ‘magic bean seller’ in Raphoe last May, he put it in the ground and thought nothing more of it.
Yet by September, Harkin began to notice that one of the cabbage heads that sprouted was much bigger than the others.
“There were about five or six cabbages that grew from the plant, but one of them kept getting bigger and bigger,” said Patrick, who grew the vegetable in a friends garden, the Ballynally resident Frank Cavanagh.
Patrick decided to let the one special cabbage head grow and soon other people were popping their heads over the hedge to marvel at his giant vegetable.
Last week he harvested the
Patrick Harkin and the two-stone cabbage he grew in Moville.
cabbage and on Thursday Jim McDaid, an employee of Norris’ Shop in Moville, weighed Patrick’s cabbage. It tipped the scales as 28lbs - a whopping two stone.
“I think there must be bigger cabbages out there, but it’s the biggest one I’ve ever grown,” said Patrick.
The Moville vegetable grower is at a loss to understand why he now has a giant cabbage on his hands. He didn’t use any special plant food on the patch and says that if the especially wet summer was the reason, why then did only one cabbage super-size?
Speaking from his home last Friday, Patrick said: “I have the cabbage at the house now, it’s still intact but I have to do something with it. I’ll probably divide it up and share it out with my family.”
One thing is for sure, the Harkin clan wont have to buy coleslaw for good few weeks to come.
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