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Illuminations enhance Malin Bridge 17.12.09

by Damian Dowds, Inishowen Independent

MALIN Town welcomed a fine new feature last week with the lighting up of its landmark bridge. The Malin Development Association, assisted by Donegal County Councillor Bernard McGuinness, the local FÁS scheme and the ESB, erected lighting both on and under the unique ten arch bridge.
Cllr Bernard McGuinness, who set aside a portion of his councillor’s discretionary funding for public lighting over the past number of years to help fund the lights, hailed the project a great success.
“It’s a wee bit of light – and not just for Christmas,” he quipped. “It’s very important for Malin. The town has had problems with street surfacing owing to delays in the sewerage scheme, but that has now been resolved and the bridge project will help highlight the beautiful approach into the town.”
Green lighting has been installed under each of the bridge’s ten arches, while lighting has also been embedded into the bridge wall to illuminate the bridge for both pedestrians and motorists.
“The development committee was very keen to ensure that the bridge retained its character and didn’t want lampposts erected,” Cllr McGuinness said. “And I think the new lights will enhance this important landmark.”
Lighting has also been installed at the village green in Culdaff that illuminates the surrounding trees and the pump-house.
Cllr McGuinness paid tribute to the Malin Development Committee, the workers on the FÁS scheme and Donegal County Council for their assistance with both projects.
Malin in particular has scored highly in Tidy Town’s competition, and this new feature is sure to help the town’s cause in the coming years.
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