"Ridiculous" security hampering ferry
THE loss-making Foyle
ferry is being burdened with a "ridiculous" fee to
pay for security at Magilligan Point, according to a
local senator.
Senator Cecilia Keaveney explained: “While the
tenders for the Foyle and Swilly ferries are going
out for expressions of interest, the Foyle car ferry
has the current expense of the security at
Magilligan. The status of Magilligan as an
international port must be addressed immediately."
She said the additional cost of a permanent security
presence was putting a financial burden on the local
councils at a time when finances are limited. |
"I believe the Foyle
ferry could be a commercially viable operation but
is hampered specifically because of the
international port designation and the security
implications of that status.
"It is quite ridiculous to demand a different regime
at this slipway when you think that you can |
cross the Foyle in
Derry over either of the two bridges, having
accessed Derry from any number of Border road
crossings and you can cross from Lifford to Strabane
and not encounter any permanent security presence.”
Senator Keaveney has written to the Secretary of
State, Shaun Woodward MP, to alert him to the
difficulties that the extra financial burden is
placing "on the best example of cross border
co-operation and peace building".
While in Westminster this week, she also raised the
matter with Minister for Employment, Tony McNulty MP
who has strong family links with Ballyshannon and
Secretary of State for Scotland John Murphy, MP -
whose mother hails from Ballybofey.
She said both men recognised the issue as one of
"It is in getting those in a position of power to
address the realities of why this designation makes
no sense and yet is working to the detriment of the
North West, that change can happen.
"I intend to also renew my calls to my Irish
colleagues in Transport, Justice and Foreign Affairs
to have this put on the North South Ministerial
agenda," she added. |