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Head teacher slates school board 11.06.10

by Caoimhinn Barr, Inishowen Independent

AN Inishowen primary school headmaster has launched a scathing attack on the members of his Board of Management, who, he alleges, have "willfully wasted tens of thousands of euro in the last year".
Gerard McGeehan, principal of Scoil Eoghain, Moville, said he was "disgusted and astonished" at the board, which, he claimed, had squandered taxpayers’ money in the middle of a recession.
Mr McGeehan made the allegations in a recent letter to local parents. The letter was given to some 200 pupils in the school, who were told to give it to their parents.
The Inishowen Independent received a copy of Mr McGeehan’s controversial memo this week. It reads:

"Dear Parents,

The school will close for the summer vacation on Wednesday 23rd June at 11:00am and open on Wednesday 1st Sept.
I also wish to express my disgust and astonishment at thousands of euros worth of computer equipment - much of it brand new - being dumped in a skip by the Board of Management.
This is typical of what is going on here with the taxpayer's money being squandered willfully without any regard to the recessionary times we are in.
In the past year tens of thousands of euros has been wasted in all sorts of ways and absolutely no consultation takes place with those who are tasked with the proper running of the school. Gerard McGeehan."
The principal of Scoil Eoghain has accused its board of wasting taxpayers' money.
When contacted yesterday, a spokesperson for the Scoil Eoghain board of management said its members were not in a position to respond to Mr McGeehan’s claims at this time. The board chairperson is currently out of the country. The dramatic development comes less than two weeks after the state-of-the-art €2.7 million Scoil Eoghain building was officially opened by An Tanaiste, Mary Coughlan.
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